The Strong and Steady program for seniors

The Strong and Steady program for seniors

Event Date: February 26, 2025
Event Time: 11:00 am
12:00 pm

The Strong and Steady program is a free, 10-week fall prevention exercise program designed to help adults aged 65+ improve strength, balance, and mobility. Falls pose a major health risk for older adults, but the right exercises can help you stay active and prevent falls.


Date: Jan.22 (Wed) every Monday and Wednesday. The last class will be on Mar. 26

Location: Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (400 Cooper St Suite 2000)

Time : 11am to 12pm

Language: English , Mandarin, Cantonese

Free of charge

Online registration. Enquiry please call 343-997-1968

Location: Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (400 Cooper St Suite 2000)

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